Registered Students

Residential Program Registered Students

Getting to National History Academy

国家历史BTT365由福克斯克罗夫特学校主办, 坐落在米德尔堡500英亩的乡间, Virginia. 距离华盛顿特区以西43英里的杜勒斯机场(Dulles Airport)仅35分钟路程.C., 可以看到蓝岭山脉, 福克斯克罗夫特的地理位置既方便文化,又方便乡村.

The National History Academy will provide a shuttle bus to and from Dulles International Airport at set times to be announced closer to the start of the Academy.

Cell Phone Policy

美国国家历史BTT365允许学生携带手机, 但请注意,福克斯克罗夫特学校的接待处非常有限. 在宿舍的公共休息室里有“家庭电话”, 但是在校园里最简单的交流方式是电子邮件和短信.

Please see National History Academy’s Cell Phone Policy below for full details regarding permitted usage.


这项政策涉及手机的使用, computing devices, and portable music and entertainment systems by students and staff in the classroom, on field trips, and with guest speakers.

National History Academy believes that cell phones and other electronic devices are tools and resources for learning, but that some restrictions are necessary at certain times out of courtesy and respect for students, teachers, staff, guides and guests.

Students are permitted to bring the following electronic items to class: 1) cell phones; and 2) laptops, tablets, ipad和其他类似的计算设备(“计算设备”). Portable music and entertainment systems, such as iPods, MP3 players, PSP, and Nintendo DS (“entertainment systems”) generally are not allowed in the classroom unless specifically allowed by your teacher for educational purposes.

在上课时间,手机必须关机并放在看不见的地方, except for instructional and educational purposes with the explicit approval of the teacher.
计算机系统不得在教学时间开启或使用, except for instructional and educational purposes with the explicit approval of the teacher.
Unless there is an emergency, 教职员及学生不得使用手机作私人用途, e.g.打电话、Facetime、发短信、发邮件等等.

对历史遗迹的实地考察被认为是教学时间, 电子设备只能用于教育目的.  Unless there is an emergency situation, 教职员及学生不得使用手机作私人用途, e.g.打电话、Facetime、发短信、发邮件等等., during a field trip.
允许学生和工作人员携带手机, computing devices, 还有实地考察时巴士上的娱乐系统.  在巴士上任何时候都应使用耳机.  未经允许,学生不得在公交车上用手机打电话. Staff may have limited verbal cell phone conversations on the bus only for Academy planning and coordinating purposes.

Once a bus arrives at a site destination, 禁止使用娱乐设备和耳机.  这些物品应妥善保管,放在巴士上或放在背包里.
During a site field trip, 所有学生和工作人员都要全神贯注地听导游或演讲嘉宾讲课. Cell phones should be silenced. Students may not use cell phones while a teacher or guide is speaking or interacting directly with the group.  During such an interaction, staff may minimally use cell phone cameras only for taking photos to document the event or for discreetly communicating with other Academy staff about trip logistics.

An exception to the above rule applies to students using GoPros or the cell phone video function as part of a pre-approved Academy project.  If making a film, this should be done as discreetly as possible with the permission of your teacher and with knowledge of staff.

When walking between stops, at pauses during a tour, or during discretionary time, 教职员工和教师可以使用手机拍照, the note-taking function, 以及其他目的来促进他们在现场的学习, 只要这种使用不妨碍谈话或游览.

当一位演讲嘉宾访问福克斯克罗夫特或历史遗迹的学生时, 所有的学生和工作人员都要全神贯注地听演讲者讲话. 手机应调成静音或关闭,并妥善放置.  Unless there is an emergency, 教职员及学生不得使用手机作私人用途, e.g.打电话、Facetime、发短信、发邮件等等., during a talk by a guest speaker.
An exception to the above rule applies to students using GoPros or the cell phone video function as part of a pre-approved Academy project.  If making a film, this should be done as discreetly as possible with the permission of your teacher and with knowledge of staff.

While a guest is speaking, staff may minimally use cell phone cameras only for taking photos to document the event or for discreetly communicating with other Academy staff about logistics.
After a talk by a guest, students and staff may use cell phone cameras for photos with that person.

·      Cell phones, computing devices and portable music and entertainment systems may not be turned on or used during fire drills, other emergency preparedness exercises or during the event of an actual emergency unless otherwise directed by Academy staff.
·      Cell phones, computing devices, 便携式音乐和娱乐系统不得在浴室使用, and may only be used on the sleeping porches with the use of headphones so as not to disturb fellow residents.
·      Cell phones, computing devices, and portable music and entertainment systems may not be used for audio/video or photographic recording of a person without their consent.

如果学生继续违反这一规定,滥用手机, computing devices, and portable music entertainment systems in a way that interferes with the Academy’s learning environment and after a verbal warning by staff, the Academy may confiscate that student’s electronic device and return it at the end of the day.  If such misuse becomes habitual, the item may be confiscated and returned to parent/guardian after a phone conference with them.
违反此政策的员工将受到警告. 习惯性违规者将受到适当的纪律处分.

BTT365不对被盗物品负责, damaged or lost cell phones, 计算设备或便携式音乐和娱乐系统.  In the event that a cell phone, computing device, 或便携式音乐娱乐系统被盗, our staff will thoroughly investigate the incident and address any student-related misconduct accordingly. Students may want to bring some spending money to purchase souvenirs at historic sites, 或者在自动售货机或小卖部购买零食.

Social Media:

  • All students attending the National History Academy will be asked to sign a media release form, giving consent to appear in pictures taken during the site visits and exciting experiences!

Site Visit & Guest Speakers Expectations:

  • 学生应该完整地参加所有的实地考察.
  • Guest speakers are optional. 
  • Classroom etiquette applies.


  • 按时完成所有作业是学生的责任.
    • 如有需要,教师和助教可在办公时间提供服务.


  • The National History Academy seeks to promote an environment where students feel safe to express themselves and grow academically, by respecting dignity and opinions of all people in this diverse community of scholars.  我们希望学生们互相尊重、友善和体谅.  Behavior that is considered harassing, intolerant, intimidating or threatening will not be tolerated.

Dress Code

  • 不论性别,衣服必须覆盖胸部、躯干和内衣.
  • 学生不允许佩戴任何描绘或宣扬暴力的物品, criminal activity, alcohol or drug use, pornography or hate speech.
  • Students are required to wear National History Academy shirts on all trips and occasionally in the classroom (check the schedule for the specific shirt each day). 穿着国家历史BTT365的衬衫, 唯一允许戴的帽子是国家历史BTT365的帽子.

Spending Money

Students may want to bring some spending money to purchase souvenirs at historic sites, or to purchase snacks at the vending machine or in the PX (campus convenience store).

Suggested Packing List


  • 太阳帽或棒球帽(提供一顶)
  • Eyeglasses and/or contacts
  • Sunglasses
  • Facemasks


  • T-shirts or polos (students will be given 2 t-shirts and 2 polo shirts to be worn on field trips)
  • Shorts
  • Long Pants
  • Jeans
  • Light Jacket or Sweater, just in case
  • Raincoat
  • Athletic clothes for activity days
  • Swim Suit
  • Dress Clothes for lectures and formal events – Boys should bring a blazer or a sport coat. 女孩们可能会想带一件运动上衣或连衣裙.
  • Pajamas and Robe
  • Underwear


  • Comfortable walking shoes (we walk a lot!)
  • 凉鞋/人字拖,或者其他容易湿的鞋子
  • Dress Shoes
  • Socks
  • Shower Shoes

Bed & Bath

  • 浴巾、手巾和浴巾(泳池用)
  • XL Twin Mattress Pad
  • Blanket
  • Pillow and Pillow Case
  • XL Twin Sheets
  • Laundry Bag
  • Laundry Soap
  • Bath mat (one required per room)

Bathroom Kit

  • Brush and Comb
  • Shampoo
  • Soap and Soap Container
  • Toothbrush and Holder
  • Toothpaste
  • Deodorant
  • 洗手液(宿舍浴室不提供)
  • Sunblock
  • Insect repellant


  • 笔记本电脑或平板电脑(数量有限)
  • 一日游背包(提供一个)
  • 可重复使用的水瓶(将提供一个)
  • Notebook (one will be provided)
  • Pens/Pencils
  • Students not born in the USA should bring a passport or green card. Some federal facilities, including the White House, 不允许在美国以外出生的学生在没有这些文件的情况下入境.

Online Program Registered Students

Login Help

大约在课程开始前五天, 你会收到一封包含你个人历史的电子邮件.com login information. This login information is required to access your google classroom and your zoom account.

如需协助浏览我们的学习平台,请 click here.

NHA Online Rules and Expectations

Virtual Classroom Expectations:

  • 学生应按时完整地参加所有课程. 
    • 如果出现任何问题,一定要给你的老师发邮件. 
  • Discussions and classes are a safe place. Students should feel comfortable expressing their views in a respectful manner while being considerate of others’ views. 学生们将在整个星期内参与公民话语. 
  • Students at the National History Academy are expected to adhere to the following dress code, and to dress appropriately at all times:
    • No pajamas.
    • 学生不允许佩戴任何描绘或宣扬暴力的物品, criminal activity, alcohol or drug use, pornography or hate speech.
    • 不论性别,衣服必须覆盖胸部、躯干和内衣.
  • 学生必须遵守以下课堂礼仪: 
    • Cameras should be turned on. 
    • No eating or snacking during calls. 
    • Students should be muted when not speaking so that background noise is not picked up.
  • 在虚拟现场参观和嘉宾演讲期间, 聊天功能中的所有评论都可以被同学看到, teachers, and hosts. Please remain respectful.

Social Media:

  • All students attending the National History Academy will be asked to sign a media release form, giving consent to appear in pictures taken during the site visits and exciting experiences!

Site Visit & Guest Speakers Expectations:

  • 学生应该完整地参加所有的实地考察.
  • Guest speakers are optional. 
  • Classroom etiquette applies.


  • 按时完成所有作业是学生的责任.
    • 如有需要,教师和助教可在办公时间提供服务.


  • The National History Academy seeks to promote an environment where students feel safe to express themselves and grow academically, by respecting dignity and opinions of all people in this diverse community of scholars.  我们希望学生们互相尊重、友善和体谅.  Behavior that is considered harassing, intolerant, intimidating or threatening will not be tolerated.

Technical Requirements

  • 必须经常使用一台可靠的电脑
  • An internet connection. 强烈建议使用高速宽带接入
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • 扬声器或耳机可以听到来自电脑的音频

A reasonable level of computer literacy, including proficiency with the following (at a minimum):

  • Using a keyboard and mouse
  • Sending and receiving email
  • Selecting, copying, and pasting text
  • 使用浏览器(如Chrome或Firefox)访问Internet
  • 使用适当的搜索词进行基本的Internet搜索
  • Using a webcam, microphone and speakers to participate in virtual meetings/classrooms.